So as it turns out, Cameron ended up staying in the "bubble" (that's what I've been calling it) for the whole day, and actually still is under the bubble. The doctor came in at one point and said that she took him out for about 20 min and his oxygen saturation stayed at 100%, which is good, so she wanted to try to wean him out of it. So, they dropped the level of O2 in his bubble to 40% to see what happened. Initially he did okay, but his respiratory rate increased, so they had to bump his O2 back up to about 50%. =( Major bummer for me, since I was so looking forward to him being out of the nursery today. What he's actually got is called TTN, or transient tachypnea of the newborn. They know that he can keep himself oxygenated with low levels of O2 in the air, but the problem is how fast he's breathing; it's still too fast. The doctor said this could be caused by the fluid in the lungs, like in TTN, or possibly by an infection somewhere. She had another chest x-ray ordered (the first one was read as negative) and the radiologist read the second one as negative too, but the doctor herself (our pediatrician) said she thought there could possibly be some fluid still in his lungs. All his lab work has come back negative, but since we're kind of at a stand still, she's ordered him some antibiotics to fight off infection that could be there but they just can't see :/ Having an infection causes increased air consumption (i.e. faster breathing) I wouldn't be able to keep all this straight if there weren't not one, but two lovely respiratory therapists in the family (Aunt Lynn, and Mimmy too actually!) so hopefully what I'm saying is accurate. In any case, now it's become a waiting game. Here is a link to a good website about TTN
Some of the information on there is kind of in contradiction to what I've been told. For the most part though it gives a good description. It says that it usually resolves itself within 24-48 hours. Let me tell you that this has been the longest 24-48 hours of my life. The article then goes on to say that within 72 hours all symptoms of TTN will end.........SEVENTY-TWO HOURS!!! It actually hasn't even been a full 48 hours yet (it's currently 12:51 am and it's a good question as to why I'm still awake) so I don't know how I'm going to handle waiting an entire 24 hours more. It doesn't sound like he'll be okay within the 48 hours - it sounds more to me that he'll need the full 72, but come on kiddo! Your mom is going crazy! I was supposed to go home tomorrow, but no one has made mention of that yet. I hope to God they don't send me home without him. I really don't know what I'd do with myself then. Not that I want to be in the hospital either, but it would be a lot closer to my baby, that's for sure!
Anyway, I'm posting a link to my facebook photo album of all Cam's photos. It's a lot easier to do that than it is to upload all the same pictures to 2 or 3 different locations. Here are some though of our new little family - I did have to share those =) I think we're pretty cute, if I don't say so myself
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