Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy 7 Month Day to Buster!

Drayven turned 7 months old on February 7, 2009! We took our usual pictures, and he, as usual, was NOT in the mood! That's all right, some pouty faces make the best pictures! He also sprouted a tooth last week! I first noticed on Feb. 3. Sorry for all the dates, but I have to write all them down, so that they're correct when I go to scrapbook them. My memory isn't what it used to be! :) I tried to "pop" his collar, but he was so wiggly it wouldn't stay :( Enjoy!


Rebekah said...

Michelle - I can't believe you get Dray to stand like that! It's awesome! Love the pics!

Heather said...

He looks like a little man in these photos. Where have our babies gone??? So cute!