Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fun pics :)

These are just some fun pics I took of Dray. The first two are after a bath. I love getting pictures of his long crazy hair! Deric wants to get it cut soon, but I'm fighting it! Then the next ones are really fun, I made him a "Faux-hawk!" That's a mohawk, without actually cutting the hair :) He was a trooper, but he does this thing where he always wants to touch the back of his head, so I didn't get it to look that great because he kept messing with it. But it was still cute!


January 20, 2009 was our two year anniversary! Where did the time go? A lot has changed in the past two years, and here is a quick glance at this day in our lives during that time....

January 20, 2007
January 20, 2008! There's a small baby bump there!
January 20, 2009! And there's the baby :)

Baptism Day!

Drayven was Baptized January 18, 2009. We chose this day because it was close to our wedding anniversary. It was pretty cold that day but we still had a good time. He didn't cry or anything at church, which I knew he wouldn't. His gown was made by Grammy Nancy out of the same fabric as my wedding dress! Thanks Grammy Nancy! We had a little party at our house afterwards, which was also very fun! We want to thank everyone for coming and hope you enjoyed your day. Here are a few snapshots from the day.

Drayven being silly before church!
Drayven and his Godmother, Lisa

Posing for Mom :)

Unfortunately I didn't get any photos of him being dunked in the water :( I will post a video eventually from Mimmy's camera, as soon as I figure out movie editing! She sings VERY loudly at the end and gets some major close-ups on people that I'm sure would rather those parts be left out :) But Buster didn't cry! I just knew he wouldn't ;-)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Fun Times!

My mom gave us Photoshop Elements 7.0 for Christmas and I've just now got around to playing with it. These are some of my creations, which multi-task and display Dray's 6 month portraits!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy 6 months Dray!

Drayven turned 6 months old January 7, 2009! Every month I take a picture of him, but this time he fell asleep before Mom was ready for him! You can tell by the photos he was not pleased by the situation! At 6 months he weighed 17lbs 13 oz, and was 26.75 in long!

A little late, but.....

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We don't really go out for New Year's anymore, but on New Year's day we went to my mom's for "holiday dinner." It was super yummy, and got some good pics of Dray man for the occasion!

WOW it's been a long time!!

I'm still trying to decide which site I like to use. The point will be moot, however, if I don't update either one of them! There's been a lot going on since I started this blog. Yet, it is a new year, therefore, a new start! And that sounds like a good place to start for me!