This is a collage I made of all of Buster's adventures trying baby food! I made it to go scrapbooking with, although when I came to that page, I got stuck :( So if you have any good ideas for a 2 page spread, let me know!
Where did all the time go? How did my baby get to be 9 months old!? I still really can't believe it. But these pics are sure to be embarassing when he gets older! :)
Buster Buns!! I really love this one - I just wish he could have held still! The next one is still good though too!
These pictures were taken just minutes before Puke-fest 2009! Dray got the "stomach flu" and lemme tell ya......I've never seen so much puke! Especially coming from a lil guy. And the more fun part was, all the rest of us got it too! YAY! :)
As you can see, we are a bit behind! So bear with us as we post lots of pictures to get us caught back up to date! I'm going to do separate posts for all the new pictures - it's easier for me to keep them in order that way!